What kind of stuff do people want to build? It's probably useful for you to have something you can keep adding onto for most of these assignments and demos so that by the end you have one big
For those of you who thought last week was easy, well then you're pretty set — just work on a site-map and start thinking about the "personal chronology" assignment. For those of you that felt like it was a struggle, or you couldn't quite figure everything out, reviewing some basic HTML and CSS through either CodeAcademy.com or Lynda — or anywhere else you prefer — will be useful.
Complete a basic sitemap for a site of your choosing... more constraints/criteria found on the projects page.
Also, start finding material for the personal chronology project. If you are working on your thesis, or have some other body of work please feel free to find a way to make this project work in a different context. The goal here is to deal with a variety of kinds of content, then build a site-plan for said material, and lastly, find an interesting way to display it all... Sort of just create a collection and a system for its display...
Please read this essay by Robin Sloan, House of Cards, and prepare some notes and talking points for next week — what do you think, do you agree with his point of view or not, etc. — We'll discuss it 2/13/2013
Continue to look over and review what we've done and talked about thus far... I can provide links to tutorials or you can try to work with some of the demo files we've played with on your own.
Continue to work on the Chronology projects. We will look at them in class next week. Please be prepared to discuss and defend your work.
Have your site hosted on the server of your choice at a live URL for next week. Please email me the URL where it can be found before the start of class on 2/27 so that I can compile them all on the class website.
Font-Squirrel and Google Fonts offer free options. For more high quality options there are TypeKit, Typotheque, and HFJ (their service is coming soon) who offer “real” typefaces at different pay structures.
Please figure out what content you want to be working with for the Wiki project. Like always the prompt is broad, and though focussed on "Wikipedia pages" is really about publishing in general. If you have any content you want to turn into a webpage that in general is a) mainly text, b) has some accompanying figures, quotes, videos, or any other addendum information that must be treated specially, and c) could be seen as part of a flexible system that you'd like to be able to rollout across many pages quickly and consistently please present that to me for this project instead. (for example, Rachel could continue to work on her choose your own adventure piece if desired).